Monday, October 20, 2008

Prosumer of conventional businesses

Prosumer in Don Tapscott's meaning is the customer that helps developing its own product. A lot of interesting affects come along with this idea. Customers get a deeper identification with the product and its company and the company may save development costs. threadless and moo cards show how it may work.
But can we switch all business to the prosumer idea? How difficult is it to implement the prosumer idea for a conventional businesses?
Not all products fit into the prosumer idea. So what should a steel industry do? Their products have a limited number of customers as the car industry and some more. For sure their customer are not interested in "designing" the product. Still for some mass products it works. Generally the easier the customization of the production line the easier to implement. The more processes are digital the easier to implement.
Should all mass product businesses look forward to find their market segment in the emerging "I did this" market?

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